The Schedule Request Form for game and practice requests will be emailed to all participating schools after the registration deadline of October 15th. The schedule request form must be submitted by coaches no later than November 1st. Please do not submit the schedule request before receiving the final list of teams or prior to your travel plans being finalized.

Self-scheduling is not allowed, but if two teams list each other as teams “to play” the game(s) is likely, although not guaranteed, to be scheduled.

The schedule request form serves as a guideline only. We will make every effort to comply with as many requests as possible and provide a fair schedule based on the information provided below.

All scheduled games (including JV games) are contracted just as they are on your northern schedule and must be played. Once the final schedule has been emailed to each coach in late December, RussMatt Baseball will only make changes to the schedule if all coaches involved in a schedule change request agree. It is the responsibility of the coach requesting a schedule change to obtain the permission of the coach(s) affected by the request in order for the change to be implemented. If the opposing coach does not agree to a change request then the game(s) must be played or the coach requesting the change must find a replacement opponent.

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